Christmas in New York and All Good Things Must Come To An End's been awhile hasn't it. It seems as those these past six months have grabbed me and tossed me to the wind. So much has gone on here. We are still living in our apartment. Temporary job has come and gone. I've worked this temporary job for 6 mos. and my time ended on Dec. 5th. We (G) and I were leaving for N.Y. yes, the Big Apple on Tuesday the 9th.
Two things. 1) I love Christmas in N.Y. and 2) New York will always be my home. There is something so remarkably special about this city, other than the fact I grew up here.
Let's see a rundown on all the places we visited. We arrived 6 a.m Wed. on a red eye. Of course I didn't sleep a wink. The day ahead was full. We left for the city just a few short hours after our plane landed. So a coupla cups of cawfee and we were on our way, again.
Times Square. This was centrally located to where we were going to see a matinee broadway show. At the Shubert Theatre, it was "Gypsy" starring Bernadette Peters. She is fantastic! Early dinner at Ollie's across the street. Interesting Chinese restaurant with hostesses that remind you of life-like anime characters. Of course all the gals were legs from here to there and very exotic looking.
Before during and after we walked around and saw ABC, NBC,CBS, MTV, FOX television studios, We strolled Broadway oohing and aahhing at the lights and interesting folks. G had never really spent much time in N.Y. so this was exciting for him. Even tho I'd seen it all there is always something fresh about the city and I love, love, love it.
We walked over to FAO Schwarz, hmmm interesting tidbit. They are filing Chptr. 11 bankrupcy. This is a travesty because this is a fun grandiose store. I would hate to see this institution go. We walked into Toys R Us. We had to see the indoor ferris wheel. Too long of a line to ride but fun to watch.
We walked 5th Avenue, 6th Avenue strolled past the wonderfully decorated windows, and we strolled to Rockefeller Centre. We gazed at the beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas statues. We watched as ice skaters graciously and some not, skated around to Christmas music. We saw Santa and Sponge Bob Square Pants. Hey, what more could you ask for! By evenings end we were bushed. I hadn't slept in two days.
Thurs. - We were off to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Got to love this subway travel. There are so many great people to see and talk to and what a great way to travel. We strolled up Park Avenue, Lexington Avenue and stopped for lunch at a Greek Cafe. Great food and fun, fast, friendly service. We headed to the museum and walked through about 1/4 of the museum in 3 hours. My feet were burning. Of course today was the day I decided to look a little stylish and now I was paying the price of my new look. We were going to meet my cousin Barbara and Chris for dinner and I was having reservations. I was tired and my feet hurt terribly. My dad came with us to the museum. He decided to head back to Brooklyn on his own and leave us to a fun night in Manhattan. The wind had kicked up and it was beginning to rain. We walked from about 79th and Park Avenue all the way to 52nd and 8th. I was ready for a foot transplant. I begged and pleaded we find a shoe shop to purchase something comfortable for my tired dogs. We headed towards 5th Avenue and I knew we good shop there, only problem was finding a pair of shoes for less than $500. was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Thank God! for Ann Taylor Loft. They came through and with a sale of $29.99 plus tax I was the proud owner of some comfy suede flats. Except by this time my feet were in sooooooo much pain that I could have put on bedroom slippers and it wouldn't have mattered. I was able to pick up my pace a bit now and we were getting close to my cousins apartment she lives in the theatre district and works up the street as a VP for BNP Paradis (a French Bank) just walking distance to her quaint two bedroom apartment at "The Ellington" yes, doorman included.
To be continued:'s been awhile hasn't it. It seems as those these past six months have grabbed me and tossed me to the wind. So much has gone on here. We are still living in our apartment. Temporary job has come and gone. I've worked this temporary job for 6 mos. and my time ended on Dec. 5th. We (G) and I were leaving for N.Y. yes, the Big Apple on Tuesday the 9th.
Two things. 1) I love Christmas in N.Y. and 2) New York will always be my home. There is something so remarkably special about this city, other than the fact I grew up here.
Let's see a rundown on all the places we visited. We arrived 6 a.m Wed. on a red eye. Of course I didn't sleep a wink. The day ahead was full. We left for the city just a few short hours after our plane landed. So a coupla cups of cawfee and we were on our way, again.
Times Square. This was centrally located to where we were going to see a matinee broadway show. At the Shubert Theatre, it was "Gypsy" starring Bernadette Peters. She is fantastic! Early dinner at Ollie's across the street. Interesting Chinese restaurant with hostesses that remind you of life-like anime characters. Of course all the gals were legs from here to there and very exotic looking.
Before during and after we walked around and saw ABC, NBC,CBS, MTV, FOX television studios, We strolled Broadway oohing and aahhing at the lights and interesting folks. G had never really spent much time in N.Y. so this was exciting for him. Even tho I'd seen it all there is always something fresh about the city and I love, love, love it.
We walked over to FAO Schwarz, hmmm interesting tidbit. They are filing Chptr. 11 bankrupcy. This is a travesty because this is a fun grandiose store. I would hate to see this institution go. We walked into Toys R Us. We had to see the indoor ferris wheel. Too long of a line to ride but fun to watch.
We walked 5th Avenue, 6th Avenue strolled past the wonderfully decorated windows, and we strolled to Rockefeller Centre. We gazed at the beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas statues. We watched as ice skaters graciously and some not, skated around to Christmas music. We saw Santa and Sponge Bob Square Pants. Hey, what more could you ask for! By evenings end we were bushed. I hadn't slept in two days.
Thurs. - We were off to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Got to love this subway travel. There are so many great people to see and talk to and what a great way to travel. We strolled up Park Avenue, Lexington Avenue and stopped for lunch at a Greek Cafe. Great food and fun, fast, friendly service. We headed to the museum and walked through about 1/4 of the museum in 3 hours. My feet were burning. Of course today was the day I decided to look a little stylish and now I was paying the price of my new look. We were going to meet my cousin Barbara and Chris for dinner and I was having reservations. I was tired and my feet hurt terribly. My dad came with us to the museum. He decided to head back to Brooklyn on his own and leave us to a fun night in Manhattan. The wind had kicked up and it was beginning to rain. We walked from about 79th and Park Avenue all the way to 52nd and 8th. I was ready for a foot transplant. I begged and pleaded we find a shoe shop to purchase something comfortable for my tired dogs. We headed towards 5th Avenue and I knew we good shop there, only problem was finding a pair of shoes for less than $500. was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Thank God! for Ann Taylor Loft. They came through and with a sale of $29.99 plus tax I was the proud owner of some comfy suede flats. Except by this time my feet were in sooooooo much pain that I could have put on bedroom slippers and it wouldn't have mattered. I was able to pick up my pace a bit now and we were getting close to my cousins apartment she lives in the theatre district and works up the street as a VP for BNP Paradis (a French Bank) just walking distance to her quaint two bedroom apartment at "The Ellington" yes, doorman included.
To be continued: