I took this picture on the hiking trail to Cedar Creek Falls in Ramona, CA a stones throw from my backyard. It reminded me of "The Sound of Music". It's not Salzburg, but it is another beautiful place on this earth.
I just love "The Sound of Music" by Robert Wise and the music of Rodgers and Hammerstein and it just so happened it was on last night... so my husband and I sat and watched it. I'm not sure how many times I have seen this movie but when Julie Andrews floats over those hills in Salzburg, Austria and belts out the title song I get goosebumps and tears come to my eyes. There is magic in this music and it lifts my spirit and how can we forget one of our fellow artists "Angela Cartwright" who played Brigitta von Trapp, such a talented woman.
So Long, Farewell 2007 ... so long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
To all my old friends, new friends and to those I have yet to meet.
Be gentle with yourselves and remember to stay with PEACE in the coming year. This is a great big beautiful planet from afar but when we zoom in, we see we have work to do!
Thank you for your kind words on my blogs "The Artful Eye" and "The Way I See It" and I look forward to your visits in the future.
Let's make some GREAT ART in 2008!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
So Long, Farewell 2007
Posted by
The Artful Eye
5:29 PM
Labels: Cedar Creek Trail, New Year's, photography
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Lost and Found
Right there before our eyes, laid out on the rocks, dirt and fall leaves- was teddy. My immediate thought was "Oh, my!" how could anyone... *gulp*... leave behind this teddy and in this condition. Next thought, "CSI" Julian".
How did this teddy meet such a demise? eye missing, arm ravaged.
I looked around for any immediate suspects but it was apparent he had been here for some time. I knew what I had to do next and that was to snap a photo of him so that he could live on in our spirit. I contemplated picking him up, but then thought what if the perpetrator had second thoughts and decided to come back and rescue him. Give him new life?
We continued our stroll,snapping more pics along the way and then stopped for a nice warm meal in another one of my favorite places
"Romano's Dodge House"
I guess this picture summed up how I was feeling on this cold, wintry day.
A bit lost and a little found.
Hope your holidays were grand and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Please stop by to visit my other blogspot, "ThE ArTfuL EyE"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
2:58 PM
Labels: cawfee tawk, julianCA, photography
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My Christmas Tree
Posted by
The Artful Eye
9:14 PM
Labels: acrylic paints, mixed media
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
It's A CiRcUs Out There
Posted by
The Artful Eye
5:23 AM
Labels: acrylic paints, clowns, mixed media collage
Friday, December 07, 2007
The Rain, the Park and Other Things
The Rain,
"Rain Today "photo originally uploaded by macprohawaii
the Park,
Boston Public Garden- the nation's oldest park
West end Provincetown, MA
and Other things...
Oh, beehave..
I so love the rain and today it rained, but not enough.. Please rain some more.
I thought of this song, when I thought of the rain. For those of you who remember "The Cowsills" for your listening and viewing pleasure and for those neophytes hope you enjoy.
Feel free to mosey on by: "ThE ArTfuL EyE"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
9:33 PM
Labels: Boston MA, Provincetown MA
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Out of My Gourd
So a couple of months ago I decided to try my hand at
yet another art medium "Gourd Art" -as if I didn't already
have my hands into so many other wonderful mediums.
I took one class, learned two techniques, a closed coiled
and basketweave. Learned how to grow, clean, cut and dye a gourd and I was immediately hooked. I made this one specifically for a wedding gift and have since completed two others. I still need to take pics of the other two I've recently completed and will post them soon..
Here's another view.
If you ever get a chance to travel to Fallbrook, CA
the "International Gourd Art Festival" is a must see.
I had the chance to go this past summer and I'm still reeling at the beautiful, talented gourd art that I encountered at this event and talk about supplies...geeeshh a feast for one's eyes.
Another reason I'm out of my gourd...
Last night when I left work I drove directly to the Apple Store
in Fashion Valley and bought myself an 24" iMac. I'm a convert!
Did I say out of my gourd?! because the last time my fingers
touched a mac I was using an Apple IIe. Now I'm dating myself.
What this means I'll soon be transferring files from my current Dell PC (don't know how) and installing and teaching myself a whole new operating system. So... if I vanish from sight for awhile you'll know I fubar'd things up and I'm trying to wrangle my way back.
I consider myself a pretty savvy PC user but this whole Mac experience is new to me.
Wish me luck!
OH and BTW...have I mentioned that this daylight savings time stinks because I leave for work at o'dark thirty and return home at o'dark thirty. It feels like it's way past my bedtime.
Ciao! Please visit my other blogspot: "ThE ArTfuL EyE"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:21 PM
Labels: cawfee tawk, Gourd Art
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
4x4 canvas board collage, text transparency
torn copy of vintage postcard- Santa Barbara, CA Hwy 101
Golden Fluid Acrylics, gel medium
There was something about today that was magical.
Perhaps it was "a day of freedom from labor". I took the day off
and decided to work on finishing some journal pages,
a little bit of sewing and a stroll by some local antique stores to see what I could rummage.
Items found:
-vintage Atlas jar of old buttons, more vintage handpicked buttons.
-old vintage glass sign- "small deposit needed to hold items"
- a handful of beautiful vintage cabinet photos
- a framed vintage hand cross-stitched saying,
"Let me have a little space where maybe I can come and go"
- small vintage wood sign,
"There is always, always, always something to be thankful for"
- a cast iron weathervane
- small cream white cast iron birds nest with blue robins eggs
-2 extremely large childrens board books for altering 24 X 36
It was a glorious day bathed in sunshine and well needed.
Hope your day went well and thanks for stopping by.
My other blogspot: "ThE ArTfuL EyE"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
9:41 PM
Labels: canvas collage, ventura highway
Monday, December 03, 2007
Artist's Reflection
First I'd like to thank Tim Holtz and Ranger for adding distress to my life. These products are awesome. I created this little collage journal book from plain 'ole chipboard utilizing distress inks, 9 X 9 double-sided cardstock, distress embossing powders, bits of ephemera, vintage photos, collage etc.
The cover of this journal is created using foam core to raise window template and mica to cover the three individual windows.
On the inside, there are several pages with pockets to add other fun stuff.
This is the back. It' put together with small binder rings and ribbon.
Metal tabs are crimped around the edges.
Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to mosey on by my other spot: "The Artful Eye"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
6:01 PM
Labels: mixed media
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday Stamper- WORDS
Wednesday Stamper challenge WORDS.
adirondack daubers, an assortment of stamps, sharpies, and torn text.
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:51 PM
Labels: acrylic paints, journal, wednesday stamper
Feeling Blecch
Posted by
The Artful Eye
11:07 AM
Labels: cawfee tawk, Provincetown
Monday, November 26, 2007
Etched Pendant Necklace
Pendant necklace made using steel and brass washers. I drew a design on the washers with a black enamel based Sharpie and then etched the pieces in PCB etchant for about 1/2 hour. The areas of the washers that were covered by the enamel did not etch, while the areas 'not covered' by enamel were etched. I then combined the washers with some misc. jewelry findings, a button, assorted glass beads and a few spacers and viola!
I'm beginning to like this blogging thing-- because I know that most of the time I'm talking to myself and I'm okay with it. Free therapy. Apologize in advance for the crappy photos of the artwork. Maybe in my next life, I'll be an artwork photographer.
Do stroll on by "The ArTful EyE" my other blogspot.
Posted by
The Artful Eye
8:55 PM
Labels: jewelry, mixed media
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My First PMC Jewelry
I took my first PMC class last Sunday and what you see here are my first pieces.
Clockwise, starting from top left:
I created a 'grunge type' nameplate for a pendant I'm going to embellish for my dear friend Irene. Using metal letter stamps and stamping directly into the clay. The back of this piece is also textured. Stamping the letters was a bit harder than I thought. You need to get the right amount of pressure.
Small charm was created from a mold I had made earlier in the a.m. prior to attending class. I used a vintage button and created the mold using "mold n pour" by Suze Weinberg. Pressed in silver clay and popped it back out of mold. I then inserted a small garnet cabouchon into the center of the flower.
Small silver owl pendant with bale. I created a mold using same technique from above this time using a vintage owl rubber stamp and baby powder for a release.
One pair of earrings using plastic template for clay impression.
...and last but not least, a large silver hand rolled bead, stamped using my Judi Kins Klimt bollio
I'm officially addicted and have purchased all but a small kiln to produce more pieces. If you have any interest in working with silver jewelry this is the way to go.
The pieces are all .999 fine silver when finished. All these pieces were dipped into liver of sulphur for some level of patina.
Stay tuned... in the meantime be sure to stop by my other blogspot: "The Artful Eye"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
4:33 PM
Labels: PMC
Friday, November 23, 2007
Heart Heavy
I found this heart shape rock on the beach in Provincetown,MA-it needed protection. So I built a fortress of dry reed.
Today, my heart aches.
Stroll by "The Artful Eye"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
3:00 PM
Labels: Herring Cove Beach, Provincetown
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Our Reflection
On this day, we reflect on so many things for which we are grateful.
We seek comfort for those who are not well.
We think of family and friends who have gone before us.
We find compassion, where there is none.
We pray for our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom.
We pray for shelter and love for those without.
We are blessed, and we are thankful.
Please stop by "The Artful Eye"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
6:39 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Window Shopping
I took this picture and it read my mind. Looks scary, eh?
Have a wonderful day and don't forget a drive by "The Artful Eye"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
8:17 PM
Labels: Provincetown, turning 50
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:20 AM
Labels: jewelry
Saturday, November 17, 2007
3X3 pre-gesso'd canvas, layers of transparent Golden Fluid Acrylics , wiped on, then off. Clear transparency of text applied with gel medium and a black and white image of schoolyard hula'ing cropped with postage stamp Fiskar scissors.
It's play time, do you remember "Hula Hoops"? Have you tried to Hula Hoop in your adult life? Well if you're like me you've put on a few pounds since you were 5 yrs. of age and the circumference of the hoop is a lot closer to your waist and there's not a whole lotta room to get this thing going. Check out the beginnings of Hula Hoop. Now I was thinking, why don't they make these things so we adults can get back into Hula Hooping and by golly, I got into a Hoopnotic trance here. There is hoop. (hope)
Don't forget to drive by my other blogspot for more fun and frivolity - "The Artful Eye"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
12:01 PM
Labels: canvas collage, mixed media
Monday, November 12, 2007
Crazy Daze

Another day working for the man. What's 'crazy' is that our entire company is loaded with Veterans and most of them were working. So I ask? How is that celebrating Veteran's Day.?! There were a few wise men missing but for the most part we were all in the trenches.
Speaking of wise men. Can you believe there are only 42 shopping 'daze' until Christmas?
Posted by
The Artful Eye
9:12 PM
Labels: cawfee tawk
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Remembering Our Veteran's
The American Cemetary in Normandy, France has to have been one of my most memorable experiences. I was fortunate to travel here with a man named Douglas Walker. I'll never forget this story nor this man, as he wiped the tears from his eyes as he recounted the events of the day he as a young man was ordered off the back of an American U boat, armed and facing the enemy in countless numbers. Thank you for your service to this country!
To all our Marines as we celebrate and give thanks on the "232nd" Anniversary of the USMC.
Semper Fi
Posted by
The Artful Eye
6:45 PM
Labels: memories