Friday, December 07, 2007

The Rain, the Park and Other Things

The Rain,

"Rain Today "photo originally uploaded by macprohawaii

the Park,

Boston Public Garden- the nation's oldest park

West end Provincetown, MA

and Other things...

Oh, beehave..

I so love the rain and today it rained, but not enough.. Please rain some more.

I thought of this song, when I thought of the rain. For those of you who remember "The Cowsills" for your listening and viewing pleasure and for those neophytes hope you enjoy.

Feel free to mosey on by: "ThE ArTfuL EyE"

1 comment:

Diane said...

The Cowsills~I loved that song. Thanks for sharing that clip. I listened to the whole thing and smiled the entire time.
Come by and visit~found you thru Dawn!
Do you have an Etsy Shop?
Your art is beautiful~love your colors~so bright and vibrant!