Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Telling Fortune

9 X 13 journal page
Golden acrylics, collage fodder, image transfer, paint pens, real fortune

Do you believe in fortunes? things that happen or are predicted to happen in our lives? Is it fate, destiny, or purely chance?

We should not live our lives by 'maybe's' or 'what if's', instead we should write our own fortune, tell it to the world, then live our fortune and watch it unfold.

Here's what I wrote for myself:
You will find joy in the strangers you meet and help them seek their potential.

If you wrote your own fortune, what would it be?

Buona fortuna a tutti!
Thank-you for your visits and kind words. My other blogspot: "ThE ArTfuL EyE"


Heidi said...

Ohh how Wonderful!!!
Andrea - You inspire me so much - your amazing art and insights :)
I think your fortune is very accurate ;)

Dear friend, I am bestowing upon you, and award that was given to me. You will need to go to my page and retrieve it and then you can share it with others as well.

K Hutchinson said...

WOW WOW WOW- this page is stunning! I love your lettering and the theme is right up my alley!

Not sure what I would write for my own fortune??? hmmm I have to think on that!


John M. Mora said...

I cannot tell you how amazing this Book of Eve is going to be (already is without clairvoyance). This page again melds paint, compositon, scraps, words into sensibilities that stretch beyond merely artistic to what I might interpret as core values.

This is so impressive. Glad to be a stranger in your web.life.

I will need to determine my fortune - I am not too deep.

I feel like I should play those Lotto nubers, but I never do.

Lotto is a tax poor people line up to pay.

Anonymous said...

Nice! You should submit your handwriting to chartpak! I'd buy those rub ons :)

Unknown said...

this page is remarkably glorious...and definitely in keeping with themes in my life right now too...
your question is good...to a certain extent i do believe in fate, but at some level i believe we create that fate because of free will...
kudos to you, andrea

~sue okieffe

Artists With Artitude said...

Art is destiny, fate is just incidental if we believe in ourselves. I know you do, my dear.

Great post, looking forward to the Book of Eve

Susan Tuttle said...

What a beautiful post - full of wisdom. And a gorgeous piece - I love the rich color you used.

Thanks so much for the sweet comment.


Irene said...

That is one hell of a page in your journal! Can't wait to get my hands on the finished product.

The future is what I want to happen? Is it wishful thinking? Is it stubbornly hanging on to an idea? Is it , I will win, because I am right?

Or is it acceptance of whatever happens, happens for a good reason?

I am a fighter and fight for my good cause. You should see what I dreamed last night.