Sunday, March 30, 2008

WS- Purple

9 x 13 journal page
Golden Fluid Acrylics, rub-ons, acrylic ink, metallic pens
collage fodder

This week's Wednesday Stamper challenge is the color "Purple".

Some trivia about the color Purple:

This color associated with royalty, nobility, spirituality and funk.
I'll take spirituality and funk.

This color has been recognized to have mystical and spiritual qualities, in such gemstones as Amethyst and Tanzanite and has a very strong, color vibration in the spiritual realm, in connection with the (7th chakra), it also has a sacred place in nature, with flowers such as lavender, orchid, lilacs and violets.

Purple was Cleopatra's favorite color.

Purple robes are worn by people of authority and high rank.

The Purple Heart is a U.S. Military decoration given to soldiers wounded in battle.

I enjoy the color purple next to green.

When I paint in these blue/red spectrums, I am definitely not in my comfort zone. I find it challenging to manipulate these colors and yet I don't feel any tension.
There must be some truth to the calming effect of this color.

My best to all of you. Have a wonderful week!

"ThE Artful Eye"


K Hutchinson said...

Holey catfish batman..this piece is outstanding! I love the textures and the saying! Awesome work my friend!

Anonymous said...

sigh...those're my hero =)

Anonymous said...

its gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

wowza, this is fabulous! thanks for participating

Tamsie said...

I love the picture at the top of the blog. I can so relate.
My first visit to this site. Great work.
Have a good week. I'm sitting here watching the flipping snow fall. It's just not natural.

Sandy said...

Wow this is absolutely stunning. Fantastic piece.

Irene said...

I love this collage and the text on it. The colors are great and you seemed to have used them with ease. Nicely blended and faded.

I conduct my words also, in a slow and steady tempo, kind of like Beethoven, I suppose.


John M. Mora said...

Dumbfounded, I sit - this one is simply utterly perfect. And your words - of course on the image, but also the spirit of the narrative in this post.

I deem it a perfect post. Artful, aye.

Manja said...

A really beautiful piece!

Sanja said...

this is fantastic!!love it!

~*~Patty S said...

amazing piece of art, really love everything about it! Interesting post as well :)

Unknown said...

really lovely stuff. in the world of collage, what are rub-ons?
~sue okieffe

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful and I love these colours!