Sunday, March 22, 2009


For this week's challenge over at 2things is Window/View.

We were sitting bayside in a restaurant about one table
back, we had asked for a table with a window view.
This was best she could do, I liked it for it presented
this still life.

I also like the soft pastel quality added by the window

Happy Spring!
My best to all. - Andrea

My other locale: "ThE ArTfuL EyE"


Anonymous said...

There is magic in your 'still life floating on a surface of the sea.'
Truly waterside dining.
It also connects so amazingly with the viewer, within the black background of your blog, it is a window to your world.

I hope your work has calmed down.
Best wishes and thank you always for your kindnesses (is that a word in the plural?)

John M. Mora said...

Yes, the table reflects the sea and it is a serene blissful moment.

Wonderful photograph.

Let's have another picture of Margaritas.

Ok, - am shallow...

Happy spring back at ya.

Anonymous said...

This photo is gorgeous! Makes me long for the ocean! Happy Spring!

Irene said...

It's a lovely photograph. So serene taken from the dark interior looking out on the sunny water, as if you are in a quiet secret place observing life from a little distance without making any sound. I can imagine being there and having a cool cocktail and having the ice cubes tinkle in my glass, while outside life is happening.

Anonymous said...

Tash said...

Beautiful - splendid view with still life & just right for the challenge.

Eeyore said...

Love what the vase does to the light.

Maya said...

Very nice. Perfect for the challenge!